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Tuna Tartare With Avocado Foam recipe with your friends or colleagues!

Tuna Tartare With Avocado Foam

A special geometric composition made with a ring of shortcrust pastry, diced of tuna and avocado foam. This is a stunning way to bring a delicious appetizer to the table.

Difficult to eat it? Absolutely not. Just break the dough ring and eat it like an homemade cracker.



Shortcrust pastry ring

  • 50 gr cold butter

  • 25 gr cold water

  • 100gr flour 00

  • A pinch of salt 


  • 50 gr of fresh tuna 

  • Soy sauce as needed

Avocado foam

  • 250 gr of avocado

  • 100 gr fresh cream

  • Salt as needed


Shortcrust pastry ring

  1. Put the flour, the butter in pieces and a pinch of salt in the mixer and blend everything for a few seconds.
  2. Then add the ice water and knead the dough for 2 minutes until it is compacted. Transfer it to a pastry board.
  3. Knead it with your hands just for a few moments. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for at least 40 minutes before using it.
  4. Roll out the dough, roll it around the pasta bowl, brush it with a little water and pass it on a plate with the poppy seeds.
  5. In the oven at 180 degrees for 15 min.


  1. Season the diced tuna with a dash of soy sauce.

Avocado foam

  1. Blend and sift the avocado.
  2. Add cream and salt and transfer it directly to the cream dispenser.
  3. Attach the nitrous oxide cream charger to your cream dispenser, charge with 4 bar and shake it vigorously.
  4. Cool in the refrigerator for a minimum of 2 hours. Shake it again before serving.


Fill the dough ring with the tuna tartare and finish up with the avocado foam.


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