How To Use Smartwhip?

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How to use Smartwhip explained in simple steps
1. Screw the pressure regulator on
Prepare your Smartwhip cream charger by screwing the pressure regulator onto the N2O cylinder. Pull the adapter off of the pressure regulator hose, and screw it onto the cream dispenser.
2. Pour contents into cream dispenser
Pour the contents of your recipe into the cream dispenser and close the lid.
3. Connect pressure regulator hose to cream dispenser
Connect the pressure regulator hose to the cream dispenser via the push-pull connector, making sure that the flow switch is OFF. You will hear a click sound when it is connected.
4. Open gas flow switch
When the system is fully connected, open the flow switch at the end of the hose, by moving the lever in the direction of ON.
5. Set gas pressure according to the Smartwhip pressure table
Set the barometer to your desired working pressure by turning the barometer knob in a clockwise motion. You will hear a slight hissing sound as the gas flows into the cream dispenser. Check the Smartwhip pressure table for a rough indication on how much pressure to use.
6. Close the flow switch
When the hissing sound has stopped, close the flow switch in the OFF direction, ensuring it is at a 90-degree junction with the pressure regulator head.
7. Disconnect the pressure regulator hose from the cream dispenser
Disconnect the pressure regulator hose from the cream dispenser by squeezing the connector body and removing the cream dispenser.
8. Shake the cream dispenser
Shake the cream dispenser to evenly distribute the gas, then place your decorating tip of choice onto the cream dispenser and release the contents.
Is Smartwhip safe?
Safety is our biggest concern and priority. Every gas cylinder is tested and approved by our producer in Italy which ensures the high-grade quality of the product. All the components of the Smartwhip system are manufactured within the European Union and are built to conform to all the current laws and regulations.
Smartwhip safety instructions
- Smartwhip contains nitrous oxide (E942) under high pressure. Please only use the certified Smartwhip System to avoid any injuries.
- Keep out of reach from children
- Smartwhip must only be used for catering purposes. If we suspect your intention for misuse, we have the right to refuse to sell the product.
- Make sure to place the pressure regulator on the cylinder correctly.
- Make sure to hold the cylinder and cream dispenser upright while doing the refilling process.
- Do not remove the cream dispenser head if there is still gas inside. Always release the remaining pressure from the cream dispenser before refilling it again.
- Keep Smartwhip away from the sun and only in room temperature (50C max temperature).
- Only use approved cream dispensers (30 bar).
- If you are burnt by freezing N2O, you must immediately seek medical advice. A N2O burn can cause deep tissue damage which is not immediately obvious at the time of injury.