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Negroni Cheesecake recipe with your friends or colleagues!

Negroni Cheesecake

This recipe takes all the flavors of the Italian beloved cocktail and turns them into a spoon dessert that is perfect for any occasion.



Milk gin mousse

  • 250 gr Philadelphia
  • 100 ml fresh cream
  • 50 gr gin
  • 60 gr sugar
  • 6 gr gelatin

Campari foam

  • 50 gr sugar
  • 225 gr Campari
  • 125 gr water
  • 5 gr gelatin
  • 100 gr milk

Caramelized wine

  • 30 gr water
  • 75 gr sweet Vermouth
  • 1oo gr sugar


Milk gin mousse

  1. Put in a bowl the sugar with the cream and Philadelphia and mix it up real nice.
  2. Add a little bit of gin.
  3. Pour it into the glass.
  4. Leave it in the fridge for 1 h.

Campari foam

  1. Mix the milk, the sugar, the gelatin, and the Campari and pour the liquid mixture into the cream dispenser.
  2. Charge with 8 bar, shake it and leave it in the fridge for 2 h.

Caramelized wine

  1. Put in a pan the sugar with water and turn on the fire.
  2. After 2 minutes add the wine and let evaporate all the water.
  3. Let it rest in the fridge for 1 h.


Pour into the glass the milk gin mousse, add on top the Campari foam and decorate with the caramelized wine.