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Mit Blauschimmelkäse gefüllter Pilztopf recipe with your friends or colleagues!

Mit Blauschimmelkäse gefüllter Pilztopf

Chefs, you are going to love this new finger food recipe. A mushroom pot filled with a tasty blue chees foam.



Mushroom pot

  • 400 g mushrooms
  • 100 g Worcestershire sauce
  • 50 g wild mushroom sauce
  • 2 liter water
  • 2 g rosemary
  • 10 g gellan F

Blue cheese foam 

  • 100 gr heavy cream
  • 100 g whole milk
  • 100 g blue cheese
  • 10 g Maisstärke
  • 1 g Xanthangummi
  • 1 g gelatin sheet hydrated


  • Fried onion
  • Fresh shimeji
  • Arugula sprouts


Mushroom pot 

  1. Bring it to boil all the ingredients except the gellan until 900 g of reduction.
  2. Sieve it to separate the mushrooms from the stock and reserve. Place it back in the pot, add the gellan and bring it to boil while mixing energetically.
  3. Using a metal cupcake mould (place it in the freezer in advance) deep it in the mixture and hold it vertically for 10 seconds until the gel starts to set around the mould. Take it out from the liquid and wait until it falls out of the mould, if needed use a knife tip to remove it easily. Reserve.

Blue cheese foam 

  1. Bring the dairy’s to boil, add the cheese and mix. Once it reached 50ºC on the cooling down process add the gelatin and blend using a thermomix.
  2. Sieve and place inside the siphon. Charge with N20 with 9 bars. Keep in the fridge for 30 minutes.


  1. Chop the cooked mushrooms and place them at the base of the pie mould.
  2. Place the foam using the siphon on top. Add some fried onion.
  3. Garnish with fresh shimeji and arugula sprouts.


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