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Tender Pressure Marinated Chicken Breasts recipe with your friends or colleagues!

Tender Pressure Marinated Chicken Breasts

Pressured marinated chicken breast

Boneless, skinless chicken breasts are incredibly versatile and, when done right, can be unbelievably juicy and flavourful. Penetrating the meat much deeper than otherwise, using a cream charger to marinate endows the marinated chicken breasts with much more fragrance and an incredibly tender mouthfeel – and that within just 45 minutes. Give this recipe a try or customise the marinade with your favourite seasonings. 


    • 200 g chicken breast
    • 100 ml sunflower oil
    • 5 g dried ginger powder
    • 7 g coriander stems, finely chopped
    • 60 ml of lemon juice
    • 1 g Xanthangummi
    • A clove of garlic
    • Salz und Pfeffer nach Geschmack


Um einen reibungslosen Ablauf beim Kochen zu gewährleisten, lesen Sie bitte die Smartwhip Pflege und Sicherheit Richtlinien vor der Verwendung.

    1. Blend the sunflower oil, ginger powder, coriander stems, lemon juice, xanthan gum, garlic, salt and pepper until smooth. 
    2. Cut the chicken breasts into small mouth-sized pieces and place them in the siphon. 
    3. Strain the marinade into the siphon, connect your Smartwhip and charge it to 16 bar. Disconnect your Smartwhip, place the cap back on the siphon, shake the siphon for 10-15 seconds to evenly distribute the gas, then place the siphon in the fridge for 45 minutes. 
    4. When the indicated time has passed, retrieve the marinating chicken from the fridge and vent the siphon by holding it upright and pressing the lever to release the pressurised gas completely.
      Tipp: Halten Sie eine Schüssel über die Düse des Sahnespenders, um eventuell herausspritzende Flüssigkeit aufzufangen. 
    5. After venting the siphon, unscrew the lid and pour the contents out into a bowl. Allow all the bubbles of the marinade to burst as these will be packed with flavour. 
    6. Fry the marinated chicken breasts to your desire.

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Serve the marinated chicken breasts with a side of roasted beetroot with horseradish foam und corn on the cob with lime and jalapeño-infused butter